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GravityWise General Usage Guide

Using ConnectWise Fields

ConnectWise Fields allow you to display and select data from your ConnectWise Installation. Typical uses include: Adding a search box that users may use to select their company, a dropdown including contacts related to a company, and much more.

  1. Within the Gravity Forms form builder, add a ConnectWise field.
  2. Under the Field Settings, set basic settings as you usually would, then expand the ConnectWise Settings section.
  3. Select a ConnectWise component to query (i.e. Company, Contact, Ticket, etc.)
  4. Select properties to expose to the client using the exposed fields dropdown. Should you wish to use a property in the feed-builder, it is required to be exposed. By default, all properties are exposed. It is recommended only to expose necessary properties to protect sensitive information.
  5. Select how many results are returned using the Limit Results field (25-1000)

By default, all properties are exposed. It is recommended only to expose necessary fields to protect sensitive information.

Advanced ConnectWise Fields Settings

To use the ConnectWise Fields, you are required to complete the basic settings section. Advanced settings aren’t required; however, they can add more complex behavior and harden security.

  • Conditions may be applied to the ConnectWise query. For example, only showing companies in a specific city. You may add as many or few conditions as you like. The conditions limit the data visible to the client to control access to information effectively.
  • Sorting may be applied such that results are displayed in a specific order.
  • The Result Template allows you to format how the results are displayed using simple tags in the following form: {propertyName}. For example “{name}: {addressLine1}” will display “Testing Company: 123 Test St.”

Using Feeds

Feeds allow you to send data to your ConnectWise installation based on form entries. Typical uses include: Creating a support ticket request form, a contact us form, a time-tracking form, and much more.

  1. On a completed form, hover over Settings and go to GravityWise Add-on.
  2. Click “Add New” to create a feed. Give your feed a name.
  3. You may add conditions that determine if the feed should be run. For example, only run the feed if a particular checkbox is filled. By combining multiple conditional feeds, complex behavior can be created.
  4. Near the bottom of the page, select the ConnectWise component (i.e. Company, Contact, Ticket, etc.) you wish to generate from the dropdown, then click Add.
  5. In the action window, click on the component you just created to open the Action editor.
  6. At the top, select a Duplicate Matching policy. If a duplicate entity is detected, this policy will determine how to handle it.
    1. Always create a new record: Don’t check for duplicates at all, always create a new record.
    2. Require approval before merging duplicates: GravityWise waits for approval if a possible duplicate is detected. Best for feeds that have a low tolerance for error.
    3. Automatically merge duplicates: GravityWise merges any duplicates it detects without human interaction. Best for feeds that have a higher tolerance for error.
  7. You may either utilize the merge tag selector to provide data from the entry or type in a static value for the required fields.
  8. Using the field’s dropdown at the top, you can map additional data to the component. There are three types of fields.
    1. Regular Field: These fields can be mapped just like the required fields
    2. Child Field: These fields are used to reference a different record in your ConnectWise installation. For example, the company that a contact belongs to. Using the lookup button, you may easily map up these fields.
    3. Array Field: These fields act like child fields but they allow you to map up more than one record. For example, you may have multiple communication items in a contact.

Using the GravityWise Feed History page

The GravityWise Feed History records all entries with an associated feed, ensuring that no data is lost between Gravity Forms and ConnectWise. By using this page, you can troubleshoot any failed feeds and view the feed history.

  1. Navigate to Forms->GravityWise Feed History.
  2. Any entries with a corresponding feed are displayed in the retry table.
  3. For entries with a status of failure, you may use the history tool to troubleshoot it.
  4. Clicking the eye icon under the “Actions” column allows you to view advanced details regarding the entry.
  5. Expanding an entry gives you information regarding each component being created.
  6. Expanding the response from ConnectWise can usually tell you what is wrong. Typically, this is a missing child field.
  7. If malformed data causes the issue, you may use the text boxes to edit the entry. Clicking “Save and Retry” sends this new data to ConnectWise.
  8. If a missing field causes the issue, edit the feed and then click the “Rebuild and Retry” button.
  9. The data is sent to ConnectWise as a request, which is then accepted or rejected. Your settings may be invalid. Sometimes you may need to retry several times to find a configuration that ConnectWise accepts.